Friday, March 22, 2013


Exploration to Production 
I am in the exploration part of the oil industry. In exploration we find a spot, drill and hope we find oil. There is more science behind it than a crazy person closing there eyes and putting their finger randomly on a map, but thats the idea. 

So I know we drill for oil, then a production company produces the oil. To understand something is different. Its kind of like a math problem. You put log(1) in to your calculator, you get 0. You know the answer is 0, but most people don’t understand why. 

Today I learned about the process of pumping oil and am I learning to fully understand how it is done. 

When I was at the bridge, you could see a ship in the distance (I was told it was about 3.5 miles away). You can see the lights in the distance. Then I got to go to the window and use the binoculars to see the ship up close. I could see a green light. Which is starboard side which means right. So if we see green we know they are headed in the direction to the right of us. It was really cool! 

Standing outside the bridge was pretty amazing the water is dark blue with the waves breaking, seas are 5-10ft crashing along side the ship. The moonlight hits the white of the breaking waves. It was just beautiful, you almost forget that there is a huge oil derrick behind you. The water out here is so blue and beautiful some times I just want to dive in! The sea is calling me!!!! Don’t worry I wont, I will have to wait for sea and sunshine when I get home! 

 OK back to production! ..... 

In the distance there is another ship, this one is not passing by this one is the FPSO the BW Pioneer. They take the oil from this area for production. How do they get the oil? After drilling a well a subsea trees, or a “christmas tree” (they are called christmas trees, and they actually resemble a christmas tree with ornaments)  Subsea trees are used in offshore field developments worldwide, from shallow to ultra-deepwaters (Im in an ultra deep water ship, sooooo cooooool). The deepest subsea trees have been installed in the waters offshore Brazil and in the US Gulf of Mexico (where I am), and many are rated for waters measuring up to 10,000 feet deep.

This is a christmas tree.

***Cool fact ***
Schlumberger is a technology company and we actually manufacture these christmas trees!

After the christmas tree is put on the well, there are hoses and pipes everywhere that flow to the production ship. This ship stays here collects all the oil. Some refinement is done, and then tankers come and get the oil. In some areas there are actually pipes that take the oil straight to shore. It is pretty amazing how this is done on such a large scale! In the distance you see a flame burning over the ship, its burning off the gas brought up to the ship. Its pretty intense looking. 

Today was a good day I learned a lot! Tomorrow I will write about some cool MUD STUFF. 

Funny Rig Stuff: The guys in the marine dept. call the people who work in drilling, the "drilldo's". How  hilarious is that, and to family who doesn't get it, please don't ask lol ! 

Love and Miss you all! 

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” 
Mahatma Ghandi

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