Saturday, March 9, 2013

-- --- .-. ... . -.-. --- -.. .

                   ....    .   -.--                -.--     .-     .-..     .-.. 
            H   E    Y        Y     A      L      L 

So I got some extra time off due to a switch in the schedule. I am now working 12am -12pm, but only until Monday. During my free time the Chief Mate is teaching me Morse Code, he is sooo smart and knows about everything out here! Im so happy I made friends with him I have learned so much! He is also teaching me the phonetic alphabet! I’m so excited to go flying with my dad and say Mike for M instead of Monkey haha! So Morse Code is probably the coolest thing I have ever learned, and he is such a great teacher! I have it down to where I can send messages via flash light or write it. Im in the zone and want to master this code language. I feel like Hillary the Spy on the ship! I need to practice interpreting messages that someone is sending me though. I feel that that the interpreting side of it is much harder. I really am so lucky to be able to learn so much out here, vs be miserable and not know, or talk to anyone. I’m going to be learning the math behind ship stability this week, and hopefully go on a life boat soon! 

Grammy can you ask papa if he knows Morse Code? Be sure to read him my blog, I want him to know I learned It! and tell papa to stop watching andy griffith so much lol ! 

We have a new really cool gym here now, I've started the much needed workout sessions! I need to get back in shape. And its actually a good place to do it bc there aren't really a lot of alternative extra curricular activities. 

I miss everyone at home, I will becoming back soon (not really I still have like 3 more weeks!) But keep the emails and pictures coming! I will hopefully update you guys on ship stability in my next blog!  

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