Thursday, March 28, 2013

4 days left but who's counting ?

So I have really been trying to plan my schedule! I want to take advantage of my time off! I have some open spots so let me know if I can schedule you in ;). I wish I could stop counting the days, hours, and minutes I have left out here. I feel like I need to chill out! I have always been a dramatic person. Mom, my favorite story is the one you told me when I was really little and I learned that the potassium in bananas helped with muscle cramps, anyways I got a cramp and collapsed SCREAMING at the top of my lungs, "SOMEBODY GET ME A BANANA NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I'm sure there are more examples of drama. 

Anyways, in 5 days I am going to be at a ballpark, watching baseball with my fam and drinking a beer with my papa! I imagine it to be like the scene of of "old school" where Will Ferrell, is like, "alright ok ill have one......" I am really looking forward to it! GO RANGERS! I will cheer for them unless they are playing the cubs or my YANKEES!!! <3 Derek Jeter! I am learning that it is kind of obnoxious that my teams are the Cowboys and the Yankees. Oh well at least I don't like the Heat as well. Def a Mavs Girl ! 

Meanwhile on the rig, this morning I was walking up to tour ( pronounced tower for some odd reason) and it just means like your shift. The moon was so big and bright, I had to stop and look over the side of the ship and just enjoy the moment. Yesterday it was even bigger an brighter,  it was a full moon and it was beautiful. Today it still looked full but is getting a little smaller, which if you remember from previous blogs the term for that is, waning. So the technical term for todays lunar phase is a Waning Gibbous. There is something about the moon that in your heart brings you closer to the people you miss, knowing that they can look up and see the same moon as you, even if they are a world away. So many writers write about the moon, and the theme is usually sadness. Is it because when we are sad, we look to the moon and stars for help? I think so, its humbling to gaze into something so much bigger than you. I can see how Thoreau, Emerson and other artists get inspired when they remove themselves from society and put themselves far away in nature. Im not comparing my situation of being stuck on an oil rig to the transcendentalist movement. I'm just saying I understand it a little more being out at sea, stripped away from the items in my life, and the people I surround my self with, its hard but a good thing to experience. I found a poem from my girl Emily Bronte, its a pretty poem, there are so many about the moon. Speaking of which, I need to bring my books Wuthering Heights and Madame Bovary, I want to read them out side somewhere secretive on the ship with a flashlight or something. Kelsey that romance english lit and history class was probably one of my favorite classes. I got so much out of it. Mostly that, Madame Bovary C'est Moi!!!!!!! Enjoy the peom, I miss you all! 
Moonlight Summer Moonlight, Emily Bronte
'Tis moonlight, summer moonlight, 
All soft and still and fair; 
The solemn hour of midnight 
Breathes sweet thoughts everywhere,

But most where trees are sending 
Their breezy boughs on high, 
Or stooping low are lending 
A shelter from the sky.

And there in those wild bowers 
A lovely form is laid; 
Green grass and dew-steeped flowers 
Wave gently round her head.


  1. Really love that poem! I was looking at the same moon and missing my daughter out at sea. Love you hill Be safe I'd love to see a picture of that moon.
    Oh and Save the drama for ya mama.

  2. I like it a lot also! Love you and miss you too! Can't wait for time at the coast! My camera isn't taking good pics or else I would post them. I need to save up for a NIKON with attachable lenses. Lol as is you want to hear all my drama? I have lots of drama, starting with I need Highlights and a conditioning treatment followed by a blow dry!!!! My hair is a rats nest!
