Thursday, March 28, 2013

4 days left but who's counting ?

So I have really been trying to plan my schedule! I want to take advantage of my time off! I have some open spots so let me know if I can schedule you in ;). I wish I could stop counting the days, hours, and minutes I have left out here. I feel like I need to chill out! I have always been a dramatic person. Mom, my favorite story is the one you told me when I was really little and I learned that the potassium in bananas helped with muscle cramps, anyways I got a cramp and collapsed SCREAMING at the top of my lungs, "SOMEBODY GET ME A BANANA NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I'm sure there are more examples of drama. 

Anyways, in 5 days I am going to be at a ballpark, watching baseball with my fam and drinking a beer with my papa! I imagine it to be like the scene of of "old school" where Will Ferrell, is like, "alright ok ill have one......" I am really looking forward to it! GO RANGERS! I will cheer for them unless they are playing the cubs or my YANKEES!!! <3 Derek Jeter! I am learning that it is kind of obnoxious that my teams are the Cowboys and the Yankees. Oh well at least I don't like the Heat as well. Def a Mavs Girl ! 

Meanwhile on the rig, this morning I was walking up to tour ( pronounced tower for some odd reason) and it just means like your shift. The moon was so big and bright, I had to stop and look over the side of the ship and just enjoy the moment. Yesterday it was even bigger an brighter,  it was a full moon and it was beautiful. Today it still looked full but is getting a little smaller, which if you remember from previous blogs the term for that is, waning. So the technical term for todays lunar phase is a Waning Gibbous. There is something about the moon that in your heart brings you closer to the people you miss, knowing that they can look up and see the same moon as you, even if they are a world away. So many writers write about the moon, and the theme is usually sadness. Is it because when we are sad, we look to the moon and stars for help? I think so, its humbling to gaze into something so much bigger than you. I can see how Thoreau, Emerson and other artists get inspired when they remove themselves from society and put themselves far away in nature. Im not comparing my situation of being stuck on an oil rig to the transcendentalist movement. I'm just saying I understand it a little more being out at sea, stripped away from the items in my life, and the people I surround my self with, its hard but a good thing to experience. I found a poem from my girl Emily Bronte, its a pretty poem, there are so many about the moon. Speaking of which, I need to bring my books Wuthering Heights and Madame Bovary, I want to read them out side somewhere secretive on the ship with a flashlight or something. Kelsey that romance english lit and history class was probably one of my favorite classes. I got so much out of it. Mostly that, Madame Bovary C'est Moi!!!!!!! Enjoy the peom, I miss you all! 
Moonlight Summer Moonlight, Emily Bronte
'Tis moonlight, summer moonlight, 
All soft and still and fair; 
The solemn hour of midnight 
Breathes sweet thoughts everywhere,

But most where trees are sending 
Their breezy boughs on high, 
Or stooping low are lending 
A shelter from the sky.

And there in those wild bowers 
A lovely form is laid; 
Green grass and dew-steeped flowers 
Wave gently round her head.

Monday, March 25, 2013


My schedule has changed three times during this hitch. I have changed rooms also which is so inconvenient. I am switching to days for the last week. I came to work at midnight, six hours later than usual. I got some sleep worked out ect. I have been in the unit I work at for 15 hours now! I AM GOING INSANE!!!! I know you people want smiles and happy stories. But lock your self in a storage container for 18 hours and then come talk to me. I took a pic of where I sit and monitor multiple drilling parameters. Like, I have to pay serious attention to whats going on during this 18 hour shift. I was gonna try to get through the day without B$%^&#* but I couldn't make it! 

I need my dads speech, when I thought I couldn't ride a horse, snowboard or drive a standard. Shortly after screaming, crying and throwing a temper tantrum, I realized I could do it. So I can do this but I still want to throw a fit! I want SLEEEEEEPPPPPP! and I still have another week out here! I WANT TO GO HOME! I want to blow dry my hair! I want to lay in green grass! I want to have a girls night! I want a glass of wine! I want to wear a cute outfit! I want to go to a bar or restaurant with people !
"I want it daddy and I want it now" (I always get compared to the brat on charlie and the chocolate factory, I don't think I act like her though) 

My Cell 

Ok I had to vent I think I pretty much got it all out. On a positive note I only have 7 More days left on the ship. I have a three weeks off when I get back. I am going to use my time wisely and enjoy every second of it. I will appreciate everything and everyone more than before. I will be happy. I will jump on my bed! Take bubble baths every day! I will go to the beach! Go crabbing! I am going to the baseball games which will be fun! I have plans with Jenny for girls night! So its not that bad I will be home soon enough. 
This picture is my happy place. I mentally go here when I feel like I'm going crazy! I just imagine that I am laying at the beach in the hot sun! 

Hard Hat

Shout out to Craig the safety guy! Thanks for Pimpin' out my hard hat ! I feel special now :) ! 
The Color dots are so people know what type of personality I have! 
Now all I need is a SMU sticker and maybe a Dallas Cowboys star :) and Ill be set! 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

...9 more days!

Story Time 

Exposition: Last week I had to switch rooms when the crew change happened, there was some confusion but it was sorted out. Tonight, I am walking to the nightly safety meeting and then to lunch. I am walking down the stairs and am now cornered, by a guy whom I have never met, I’m not sure if I have even seen him on the rig. He works in the drilling department, I notice from the personality stickers on his helmet....HARDHAT ( I really need to stop calling them helmets). The stickers are red and yellow, which means pushy, mean, impatient. Ill talk about that in a few. Anyways Im awkwardly cornered by a rando with like a half smile on my face. 

Rando - “Hey so did they find you a room”? 
Me- “ ummm yeah” a little confused because this was like a week ago
Rando - “Oh Ok ..... well I wanted you to know that you can room with me”. (he’s smiling really big) 

(crickets chirping, Im not saying anything .... there is like no expression on my face what so ever all I can think to do is blink, and I feel my eyelids blinking really hard soooooo awkward) 

hmmm is this where I say thanks but no thanks, laugh, or what? Like I want someone to tell me where the line is between sexual harassment and taking a joke. I have no idea at this point. Seriously ... I guess I will just have to learn how to deal with these drilldos and get over it. 

Me- half smiling “....UGHHH haha (awkward fake laugh) No Thanks........., maneuvering my way down the stairs. 

Vantage Personalities
Vantage is so awesome, (this is the drilling company) they have all of their employees take a personality test. Everyone is different so the way you communicate to one person might not necessarily work for another person. I am Blue Green, which means I want to know exactly how to do my job, and get really good directions before starting a task. I don’t respond well to getting yelled at in front of people. Loyal, friendly, very supportive. I basically have a good personality. The drill people have like crazy personalities. This personality test is soooo cool! I love that their company does it. I will have to look up the specifics of each personality to share with you guys its really cool. 

State of Mind
So the past few days have been kinda lonely out here and I’m mentally drained. Four weeks is a long time and I haven’t slept in my bed in  like 5 weeks. Its sad watching crew changes people leaving who got out here after I did going home before me, Im starting to feel like I’m on alcatraz again. Tonight was a hard night I started listening to “sitting on the dock of the bay” and sat looking over the side of the ship. 

- written by Otis Redding and Steve Cropper
- lyrics as recorded by Otis Redding December 7, 1967, just three
days before his death in a plane crash outside Madison, Wisconsin
- #1 for 4 weeks in 1968

Sittin' in the mornin' sun
I'll be sittin' when the evenin' come
Watching the ships roll in
And then I watch 'em roll away again, yeah

I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay
Watching the tide roll away
Ooo, I'm just sittin' on the dock of the bay
Wastin' time

I left my home in Georgia
Headed for the 'Frisco bay
'Cause I've had nothing to live for
And look like nothin's gonna come my way

So I'm just gonna sit on the dock of the bay
Watching the tide roll away
Ooo, I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay
Wastin' time

Look like nothing's gonna change
Everything still remains the same
I can't do what ten people tell me to do
So I guess I'll remain the same, yes

Sittin' here resting my bones
And this loneliness won't leave me alone
It's two thousand miles I roamed
Just to make this dock my home

Now, I'm just gonna sit at the dock of the bay
Watching the tide roll away
Oooo-wee, sittin' on the dock of the bay
Wastin' time


Coffee and Conversation 
The company man and I have coffee and conversation ever now and then. He is a really nice guy I love his stories. He gave me some advice.... get out and go see the world! I need to listen!

Anyways, The COMan  gave me some GOLD information he said since he was little he has gone crabbing in Galveston. He gave me directions to the best secret place to go crabbing. Im so excited, Im debating hijacking a lifeboat to come home and go crabbing. He said a full cooler of crabs guaranteed in an hour. He also has a sail boat and told me where I can go to learn how to sail, that is on my list of things to do since I’ve been learning about boats. Im making plans to go to the Kemah Boardwalk as soon as I get home, and Rachel and I are going Crabbing.  Our coffee convo got me out of my bad mood I was in. 

Kemah Boardwalk 

Thanks mom for the itunes card! I love FB GIFTS Best Idea Ever!!!!!!!!!!!
I also love all the 60’s music ideas you gave me also. 

Friday, March 22, 2013


Exploration to Production 
I am in the exploration part of the oil industry. In exploration we find a spot, drill and hope we find oil. There is more science behind it than a crazy person closing there eyes and putting their finger randomly on a map, but thats the idea. 

So I know we drill for oil, then a production company produces the oil. To understand something is different. Its kind of like a math problem. You put log(1) in to your calculator, you get 0. You know the answer is 0, but most people don’t understand why. 

Today I learned about the process of pumping oil and am I learning to fully understand how it is done. 

When I was at the bridge, you could see a ship in the distance (I was told it was about 3.5 miles away). You can see the lights in the distance. Then I got to go to the window and use the binoculars to see the ship up close. I could see a green light. Which is starboard side which means right. So if we see green we know they are headed in the direction to the right of us. It was really cool! 

Standing outside the bridge was pretty amazing the water is dark blue with the waves breaking, seas are 5-10ft crashing along side the ship. The moonlight hits the white of the breaking waves. It was just beautiful, you almost forget that there is a huge oil derrick behind you. The water out here is so blue and beautiful some times I just want to dive in! The sea is calling me!!!! Don’t worry I wont, I will have to wait for sea and sunshine when I get home! 

 OK back to production! ..... 

In the distance there is another ship, this one is not passing by this one is the FPSO the BW Pioneer. They take the oil from this area for production. How do they get the oil? After drilling a well a subsea trees, or a “christmas tree” (they are called christmas trees, and they actually resemble a christmas tree with ornaments)  Subsea trees are used in offshore field developments worldwide, from shallow to ultra-deepwaters (Im in an ultra deep water ship, sooooo cooooool). The deepest subsea trees have been installed in the waters offshore Brazil and in the US Gulf of Mexico (where I am), and many are rated for waters measuring up to 10,000 feet deep.

This is a christmas tree.

***Cool fact ***
Schlumberger is a technology company and we actually manufacture these christmas trees!

After the christmas tree is put on the well, there are hoses and pipes everywhere that flow to the production ship. This ship stays here collects all the oil. Some refinement is done, and then tankers come and get the oil. In some areas there are actually pipes that take the oil straight to shore. It is pretty amazing how this is done on such a large scale! In the distance you see a flame burning over the ship, its burning off the gas brought up to the ship. Its pretty intense looking. 

Today was a good day I learned a lot! Tomorrow I will write about some cool MUD STUFF. 

Funny Rig Stuff: The guys in the marine dept. call the people who work in drilling, the "drilldo's". How  hilarious is that, and to family who doesn't get it, please don't ask lol ! 

Love and Miss you all! 

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” 
Mahatma Ghandi

Saturday, March 16, 2013

what happens when we ASSume?????

This is a mans world........

The nighttime company man, that is really nice to me is back on the rig. He is usually out on the rig floor working. He always tells me that anytime I want a good cup of coffee to just go up to his office and grab one. I was dying for a good cup of coffee tonight so I ran up to the company mans office to grab one. 

When I walked in there was another guy in the office, the main company man. I was like, “Oh hi, I’m Hillary and The nighttime company man said I can grab a cup of coffee”. So he is really friendly and says, “of course grab a cup”. He was talking to me and being really nice. He then says, “ok so I’m gonna need you to come back at 0230 and make sure this office is clean”. I didn’t really know what to say, so I reply with, “and if its not clean do you want me to call someone to clean it, I’m not quite sure I understand”. He says, “Just make sure it gets done tonight, tell the galley guys if you have to..” So at this point I understand now whats going on.... he thinks im the friggin cleaning lady haha.... I didn’t have my PPE/ Uniform on because we can’t wear it in the accommodations, so its not like I’m dressed in Schlumberger blue. So I say, “well I don’t really have communication with the galley, or anyone in the housekeeping department”. He then looks at me inquisitively, eyes squinting, ....”where do you work?” I respond with “GEO department.” He looks shocked and embarrassed, “YOUR A GEOLOGIST!?” 
I say, “yes lol no worries”. I then just smile ! We then laugh and start talking, it was a total honest mistake. He said I should have introduced myself to him earlier...and then said I am welcome to coffee at any time. WOW my life has drastically changed since the cup of KEURIG coffee is the highlight of my day out here. (Missing my Nespresso!) 

                               ...But it wouldn’t be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Time and Travel :)

So I know what latitude and longitude is, I just usually thought of it at as a position on google earth. Not necessarily linked with time zones. I have been learning all about time zones, its really cool. I love this stuff! During the time I'm not working I get to practice ETA problems for fun. The last one I did that was really tricky I got a 100! Heres how you figure them out!

Calculating ETA
What you need to know
  1. Distance 
  2. Speed 
  3. GMT, Each locations ZD

GMT, Greenwich Mean Time

There are 25 integer World Time Zones from -12 through 0 (GMT) to +12. Each one is 15° of Longitude as measured East and West from the Prime Meridian of the World at Greenwich, England. 

Calculating Time 
To calculate the time it will take you use the equation D=ST, distance is represented by nautical miles, nm. Speed is represented by knots, kts. Time is represented by hours. 

Ex. Distance 7100 nm @ 23 kts, 
D=ST, so T=D/S, 
7100nm/ 23kts = 308.6956522 (this can now be converted to days, hours, and minutes) 

Calculating ZD 

Longitude ˚   = ZD (round to the nearest whole number) 

If the longitude is in the western hemisphere it is (+), if eastern hemisphere then   (-) 

For Example: Dallas, TX Longitude is 96.8039˚ W, so we divide 96.8039˚/ 15˚ = 6.45, rounded to 6. We are in the western hemisphere so it is a positive, +6. 

Converting to GMT
Greenwich Mean Time, The ZD in Greenwich is 0. To convert time to GMT you either add or subtract the ZD.If the ZD is + you add to convert to GMT and if negative you subtract. This was better explained to me by remembering the sun rises in the east and sets in the west and looking at time on the globe from that perspective. 

Ex. If it is 1200 in Dallas, what time is it GMT? 

We know Dallas is +6, so we add 6 to 1200, we then have 1800 GMT. :) Greenwich is ahead of us so thats why we add to convert to there time. 


Great Circles
Great circle navigation is following the shortest route between two points on a sphere, the earth in this case. A great circle on any sphere is one that divides it in two equal halves: the equator, any longitudinal line through the poles, or any similar circle that has its center at the middle of the earth.

International Date Line
On the opposite side of the prime meridian, ZD 0, there is the international date line, located at 180˚, ZD +12,-12 on either side. When crossing the dateline from the west you automatically go to the next day. For example, if it is 1200 December 25th, once you cross your new time is 1200 December 26th. Time flies when you are having fun ;)! 

In other news, I have been on the rig for 10 days, so I still have a ways to go. I am running out of conditioner, so at least  I know next time what to bring more of! I have been getting some good workouts in, which is good! Im trying to get ready for this summer :) The gym is so awesome here. I will have to see if I can take some pictures to show you guys how cool it is. 

When I get home, I am so excited to go to the Museum and planetarium with Rachel. I haven’t been to the downtown museum of natural science in Houston, and I got a groupon for us to go.  We can spend some sister time together. Im so stoked about the planetarium, those are so much fun especially since its hard to see some good stars in Houston. Also I have been reading so much about stars I want to identify some :) I love love love love museums! When Schlumberger hired me, we got to have a catered dinner and a museum party, that included a knowledge based scavenger hunt, It was like the best night of my life! Except the team I was on got a question, that the answer was pluto, then we had to find pluto in the museum. The interesting part was this question was made pre pluto being kicked out as a planet, so they took pluto out of the museum planet section, and we couldn't find it. Since I was thinking this is probably not the place to get competitive and throw a fit I just let it go, but my teammates and I were pissed. We then got to make a parachute out of random supplies and had a contest to see who can build it and fly it to a target. Ours had the most lift time and was well designed, but did not hit the target :( . Creative Problem Solving is my S&*% !!! I get like high off of those kinds of activities! 

 The chicago field museum is the best one I have been to though so far. I love that city! 

Me and Sue, the biggest T REX ever!!!!!

Love and Miss you all! 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Scary Moment

We all know the scene from Jurassic park where you see the water puddles vibrate, and hear boom ......boom......boom. Well that just happened in my unit! There wasn’t a T-Rex coming at me, but it was a crane. The crane reminds me of the claw in toy story like this big scary all mighty thing in the air.

Anyways I am sitting in my unit and the entire unit moves like not vibration, like serious bangs three consecutive times. Next thing you know, a rig guy comes in the unit, “ughhhh I think you guys should get out of here” (I’m thinking no S&%*). So I get my ass up and leave as quickly and safely as possible.” 

As I’m in a state of shock, this other guy comes up to me and says, “well thats why you make so much money, because it is so dangerous out here”.  Hold up, last time I checked my bank account, I’m not really rollin in the dough, this is raising questions in my head. I either need more money or more safety. I’m gonna stick it out and work towards more money. Everyone here has been around the world. I need to start exploring it, and I wanna explore in style :) $

Intro to Celestial Navigation

Navigational Astronomy

Celestial bodies are in constant motion. There is no fixed position in space from which one can observe absolute motion. Since all motion is relative the position of the observer must be noted.

On earth we see apparent motion of celestial bodies on the celestial sphere. Imagine a dark night,  look at the sky the stars are in the inner surface of this vast sphere. Motion on the celestial sphere results from both motions of the earth and the celestial body. These motions can only be identified by special instruments.

The celestial sphere, can be looked at as having an infinite radius because the distances between these bodies are so vast. When measuring the distance between celestial bodies, miles or kilometers are used. For perspective, our closest neighbor, the moon, is 238,855 miles away. Distances between planets however are usually expressed in terms of the astronomical unit (AU), the mean distance between the earth and the sun. This is approximately 92,960,000. So it is 1 AU. From the earth to the moon it is 0.00257 A.U. Distances. If we are measuring distances to the stars, we use light years. The distance light travels in a year. The speed of light is 1.86 x 10^5  miles per second. There are 3.16 x 10^7 seconds per year, therefore the length of a light year is 5.88 x 10^12 miles. Our nearest star is Alpha Centauri, and it is 4.2 light years away. Most stars are more than a 100 lightyears away. (I see why the millennium falcon made frequent jumps to hyperspace) The most distant galaxies we know of are several billion lightyears away. 

******************************Science Break***********************************

How can anyone look and the stars without smiling in awe. When I look at the sky and see how big and vast space is, it literally takes my breath away. I know I can be dramatic, but sometimes I want to just scream its so beautiful and amazing! I remember doing field work in the Arbuckles. I woke up in the middle of the night, looked at the stars and I pictured myself with a butterfly net catching them there were so many. Theres something in my heart that just goes crazy when I look at the stars. My favorite piece of camping equipment is a pocket constellation chart that glows in the dark :) 

Song of the day: The Stars - Grace Potter

When looking into the sky you notice that stars vary in brightness. The relative brightness of celestial bodies is indicated by a scale of stellar magnitudes. Initially, astronomers divided the stars into 6 groups, the 20 brightest stars were considered as of the first magnitude, and so on. It has become more precise through the years and now uses the magic number 2.512 to rank brightness. For example, a first magnitude star is 2.152 brighter than a second magnitude star and so on. Then the stars are classified, for example. The stars that are brighter than 1.50 are first magnitude stars and the stars in range from 1.51 and 2.50 are second magnitude stars. So the number is increasing with decreasing brightness, slightly counter intuitive. Or as Kelsey’s Prof says its not counter intuitive, you just have the wrong intuition. So from our location, the suns brightness is measured at -26.7, because it is extremely bright. 

Astronomers are interested in two types of motion. Rotation about an axis (picture spinning a globe), and revolution ( picture spinning the globe in your hand, while ice skating in a circle). In the center of the circle there is the sun, which is the primary. The entire solar system is held together by the gravitational force of the sun. This system then revolves around the milky way galaxy, then the milky way is in motion relative to its neighboring galaxies. These hierarchies of motion are all caused by the force of gravity. This force causes the planets to go around the sun in circular, elliptical orbits.

In each planets orbit,
Perihelion: the point closest to the sun 
Aphelion: the farthest point from the sun. 
Line of apsides: the line joining perihelion and aphelion. 

In the orbit of the moon,
Perigee: the point nearest earth
Apogee: the point farthest from earth

Regarding celestial navigation, there are only four commonly used planets. Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. The orbits of planets lie in the same plane as the earth. So if we are observing from earth, these planets are confined to a strip in the celestial sphere near the elliptic, which is an intersection of mean plane of the earths orbit around the sun with the celestial sphere. This image I found might help understand. 

The two planets with smaller orbits than us (us meaning, earth) are called inferior planets, and those with larger, superior planets. The ones closest to the sun are the inner planets and the ones farthest are the outer planets. 

How can planets be identified in the sky with the naked eye? 
“ Twinkle twinkle little STAR how I wonder where you are? “ 
Planets don’t twinkle! Go out side and look the stars twinkle, if they don’t they are a planet (if moving probably an airplane lol ) 

The Earth
So for navigation the earth is considered a sphere, but it is really an oblate spheroid, or an ellipsoid of revolution. 

The Inferior Planets 
Mercury and Venus are inside the earths orbit, so they appear in the neighborhood of our sun. They are seen in the eastern sky before sunrise or in the western sky after sunset. 
When we cant see them, they are either between us and the sun, inferior conjunction, or on the opposite side of the sun from the earth, superior conjunction. Mercury doesn’t reach a very far from the sun, so we don’t really use it for Nav. Venus however gets 47˚ from the sun, so venus dominates the morning and evening sky!

My neighbor in Dallas has like a NASA style telescope and seeing venus is really awesome! 

Superior Planets
As planets outside the earths orbit, the superior planets cannot pass between the sun and the earth. We see them move away from the sun until they are opposite the sun in the sky, opposition. The superior planets observed with against the background stars, normally move eastward, direct motion. At opposition, a planet will slow down pause then head in the opposite direction, westward, which is retrogade motion, until it reaches the next secondary point, then heads back in direct motion. It is important to remember this is what we are seeing relative to our position not necessarily, what is actually happening. From the reading I am doing, Celestial Nav is really big on RELATIVITY! The superior planets are the brightest and closest at opposition, the time between oppositions is the synodic period. The period is longer for the closest planet, mars and becomes shorter with distance away. 

Planetary Identifying Characteristics 
Mars: Orange Color, Brightness -2.8, increasing brightness at opposition , opposition every 780 days, visible for about 330 days on either side of opposition. 

Jupiter: Largest planet, normally outshines mars, oppositions every 400 days, visibility 180 days before and after

Saturn: outer most of navigational planets, opposition every 380 days, visible for 175 days before and after. With good binoculars, saturn appears elongated due to its rings. (Shout out to saturn my fav planet as a kid!, now I’m all about mars) 

The moon is the only satellite of direct navigational interest. It revolves around the earth once in about 27.3 days, as measured with respect to the stars. The sidereal month. Ok twilight fans, when the moon is in conjunction with the sun (New Moon), it rises and sets with the sun. The moon is always moving eastward at about 12.2˚ per day, so at sometime after conjunction a thin lunar crescent can be observed. For the next couple weeks the moon will wax, becoming more and more illuminated. From day to day it will rise and set later and later. Then eventually it will begin to wane. This is much easier seen then described. See pic below :) 

Ok so all of this is really just introducing the subject, I am now going to read and dig deeper into the topic. I have always been so interested in this, I don’t know why I never learned it before now. Anyways, I am definitely determined to master the subject.

I love science so much, but when science blends with some type of art. It is like the ultimate best of both worlds ! Its like peanut butter and chocolate, or sea salt and caramel!  I feel like navigation blends art with science, and thats why I love it so much. 

I am busy today, so I will read more later about celestial nav. The well we are at is a tight well which means everything is extremely confidential and I cant say anything about what I am doing or seeing, thats also why my blog is lacking some geology.... b.c I cant talk about it  :/ TOP SECRET :)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Ship Stability

Learning Lots at the Bridge! 

The  Bridge

Ship Stability in a Nutshell! 

I took some notes, because I thought it would be easier to explain with some visuals. Ship stability is a complex process. This is what I wanted to learn about because prior to learning about this I wasn't quite sure how we were remaining a float. In Figure 1.1 you see M, the meta center, G, the center gravity and K, the keel. The Keel is the bottom of the ship that remains constant and the center of gravity, G is the most important. In figure 1.1 you also notice that there is KM, GM, and KG. This is important to know where to put weight to remain stable, and balanced. I think I will get to help (really just watch) the next time the chief mate gets to do these calculations.  The KM, GM, and KG gives us our extremely important equation for ship stability KM-KG= GM 

You never want your GM to be negative, negative is bad!! 

You also have to account for free surface! Free surface is the surface of a liquid that is subject to constant perpendicular normal stress and zero parallel sheer stress.Take a look at figure 1.2. Now imagine you have a container or tank containing liquid. If it is empty obviously there isn't and issue and if full you do not have free surface because there isn't any free space for the liquid. Free surface is a bad thing, but it does exist. You want either full or empty containers. But imagine a fuel tank, we are constantly burning fuel so will be having free surface moments for sure. This has to be accounted for, and corrected in the calculations for ship stability. 

This is the computer program that the Chief Mate uses to balance the ship! 

In Figure 1.3, you notice the righting arm, so if a cup is floating and rocking back and forth, it has a tendency to come back. If you lose your righting arm.....well..... you don't come back up. 
Kelsey, Miss engineer, we can practice some cool problems when I get home! Miss you and Rachel! I feel like I wanna be hanging out with you guys, send me some pics or long fb messages. Im starting to get a tad bit homesick !

Cool Terms I Learned
Heal: If the ship is leaning starboard or port side 
Trimmed: If the ship is tilting FWD or Aft 

Equations and Units 
moment= tonsX KG 
m^3 x density (salt water = 1.025 t/m^3) = t (tons) 

This is my teacher :) ! He is teaching me so much. He has let me borrow books on navigation  and keeping busy with learning is really the only thing that takes my mind off of being in stuck out here! I have mastered the phonetic alphabet and morse code bc of him. So Awesome! I want to send codes to everyone, I actually want to stop talking and just code (i picture  mom and dad laughing like we wish you didn't talk so much either). So the reason my blogs aren't crying and screaming that I want to come home has a lot to do with all the stuff I'm learning out here from him! The only problem is.....he is well, an eagles fan! Yes and a very obnoxious eagles fan at that. (which goes without saying)  I think he hates the Cowboys more than Grammy hates the Redskins! Grammy don't kill me for being friends with him lol I know they boo'd Michael Irving and most of all threw snowballs at santa. But anyways I have learned so much and enjoyed my time out here because of it so..... 

 Thanks Mr. Chief Mate ! 

 Also 10 bucks to whoever can decode my Morse Code youtube video I emailed all of you guys! I have become pretty badass at it! I practice the alphabet frontwards and backwards before I go to sleep and when I wake up! But I need a better flash light, mine sucks. 

Morning Sunrise. Wow, Breathtaking. Views like this just calm my soul, and I take a big breath and realize its gonna be ok 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

-- --- .-. ... . -.-. --- -.. .

                   ....    .   -.--                -.--     .-     .-..     .-.. 
            H   E    Y        Y     A      L      L 

So I got some extra time off due to a switch in the schedule. I am now working 12am -12pm, but only until Monday. During my free time the Chief Mate is teaching me Morse Code, he is sooo smart and knows about everything out here! Im so happy I made friends with him I have learned so much! He is also teaching me the phonetic alphabet! I’m so excited to go flying with my dad and say Mike for M instead of Monkey haha! So Morse Code is probably the coolest thing I have ever learned, and he is such a great teacher! I have it down to where I can send messages via flash light or write it. Im in the zone and want to master this code language. I feel like Hillary the Spy on the ship! I need to practice interpreting messages that someone is sending me though. I feel that that the interpreting side of it is much harder. I really am so lucky to be able to learn so much out here, vs be miserable and not know, or talk to anyone. I’m going to be learning the math behind ship stability this week, and hopefully go on a life boat soon! 

Grammy can you ask papa if he knows Morse Code? Be sure to read him my blog, I want him to know I learned It! and tell papa to stop watching andy griffith so much lol ! 

We have a new really cool gym here now, I've started the much needed workout sessions! I need to get back in shape. And its actually a good place to do it bc there aren't really a lot of alternative extra curricular activities. 

I miss everyone at home, I will becoming back soon (not really I still have like 3 more weeks!) But keep the emails and pictures coming! I will hopefully update you guys on ship stability in my next blog!  

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Thrusters and more !

When your in an airplane and the flight attendants say, “ladies and gentlemen we have now reached our cruising altitude of 30,000 ft....”. So look out the window and thats how far down we are drilling offshore. I never thought about what 30,000 ft actually looks like until this guy painted the picture into my head. THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!!! THAT IS DEEP !!!!!!!!

Anyways, we are drilling that deep, while floating on the ocean. This is pretty amazing! How does the boat stay positioned for that long? It seems impossible, when you think about it. We are floating, so we are not bottom supported, and we have to stay in the exact same spot. The ocean is not always a smooth place, so we have to compensate for wind, waves, and currents.

How do we do that you ask???THRUSTERS 

So today I got to go see the thrusters at the bottom of the ship.  Normally to stay in one spot you would have an anchor, which by the way this ships anchor is HUGE! Since we are drilling in deep-ultra deep waters 2000-10000 ft, we can’t really throw out the anchor. The thrusters are part of the dynamic positioning system. This system is what keeps us in place! On the ship I’m on we have six thrusters. Three on each side. Walking down to where the thrusters are was overwhelming. It was loud and powerful. The thrusters are at the very bottom of the ship. Just one is huge and we have six! Heres what a thruster looks like. 

So I see how the ship positions itself and it makes sense to me! My questions now lie on what engineering skills created this ship to be stable and not tip over. It truly seems impossible! If you look how high the Derek is and you see how long and narrow the ship is, it is a little unnerving. I guess I will just have to trust that the guys in the marine department know what they are doing, because we haven't tipped yet ! 

Hopefully I get to go on another drill ship adventure today, and learn some more about it! Its such a better experience out here when you get to be in awe of the technology and see how truly remarkable and mind blowing this is! 

P.S. Mom next time I'm gonna bring sparkling water! I'm Dying out here, I want a Perrier or Pellegrino sooooo bad with crushed Ice. If I could pick two things It would be a hair dryer and fizzy water! My hair dryer fried in my room due to a converter voltage issue, so I am forced to have curly frizzy hair!

anyways love you all,

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Marine Department Adventures

The Bridge 
The bridge of a ship is the room or platform from which the ship can be commanded. It is basically the control room. Located really high up, offering unobstructed view forward and to the sides. The bridge is my favorite room or area on the ship. It kinda reminds me of how like a space station or something would look like. Its all really high tech, huge touch screens, and a blue computer glow since I work nights. It was so cool to see everything this room is in control of. The guys are so nice and don't mind explaining how stuff works.

Lesson Learned
I don't know why it was so hard for me to grasp the concept of port and starboard. I think its because the ship is sooooooooo big its easy to get turned around and not know which was is front or back. 
So basically, port is left and is red and starboard is right and green. (when I was told this I initially thought that the ship was painted red on one side and green on the other. I felt like an idiot when I said it out loud. Its just referring to the lights. Like what another ship sees. Its really fun learning all of this. I love ships and boats, preferably a cruise ships and boats that are taking me tubing on the lake but drill ships are cool too! 

Down Below
Ok so I will try to paint a picture for you, the ship that you see above water is nothing compared to how huge it is underwater. I was given a tour by two gentlemen and got to see the ship down below. At first it was a little scary being that low on the ship. I felt like we were going down stairs forever! I cant explain how big it is ! ITS HUGE like, a huge open space, in areas and its like how is this all under water and a rig on top and we are floating? It doesn't seem like it makes sense, Ill have to ask questions about that tomorrow. 

So my late night adventures were really awesome, and I learned a lot about the ship I'm on.  Also since I am in my unit and looking at computer monitors all day, I got called Janie Pencil Pusher! Well I just thought about when I was a sample catcher for my first hitch and covered in oil based  toxic mud  and then had a rash all over my body, Ill take janie pencil pusher over oil mud molly any day ;)! 

It helps pass the time when I am learning. I love just absorbing all that there is to learn. Especially about stuff you don't know. 
Anyways until next time!