Sunday, January 6, 2013

How long have I Been Here?

What day is it? What time is it? 

I have not been on the rig for that long,  but It feels like its been forever. My first couple days were terrible. The rig was not what I expected and the weather has been really bad causing me to unfortunately be sea sick. Working 12 hours a day takes a toll on you, especially if you are working the night shift. 

I was sitting down and staring at the wall, and a picture came in to my head. My grandmother has the lords prayer on the wall of her bathroom, vividly I see the words......  "accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference”. Whether you believe god said this or not does not matter because this is good advice!

Right now I cannot change the fact that I am on a drill ship, I cannot change the weather, and I unfortunately cannot change the food in the cafeteria. I need to have the courage to bring my own laundry detergent next time and tell them to use the hypoallergenic kind. I need to have the courage to speak with my manager about transferring to land so I can bring my own food, do my own laundry,  and not get sea sick. 

I also need to change my attitude, because by being miserable I am not getting the best out of the situation. Today I spoke with a Mud Engineer,  a Directional Driller, The MWD (measurement while drilling) engineer, and I eat lunch with the well site geologist every day. These people have a lot of knowledge, and I need to absorb as much as I can. 

As for now It is 3:20 pm I need to go to bed because I have to be up at 10:30pm...

Hopefully we reach our total depth soon and I can come home :) 


  1. Hillary you crack me up The prayer in Grammys bathroom is known as the Serenity Prayer (used in AA meetings around the world)
    The Lords Prayer goes......... Our Father Who art in heaven....
    anyway they are both good prayers!

  2. lol I don't know how I got those mixed up. Oh well, I guess it does not matter what words get me through it!
