Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Voice

I arrived on the Stena Carron drill ship yesterday. I really was excited to come back. I actually like this ship and like making $$$$. I am working days now. Which is good for my sleeping schedule but kinda bad for my social life. I made friends with the night crew and day crew is like a totally different world. All new people.

It is COOOOOLLLLLLDDDDDD. Like literally freezing. Like guys who work out side have frost on their face. It was snowing today, It was so beautiful. It is dark and scary though even in the day. The North Atlantic is just a scary ocean.

Anyways I am working with a nice guy he is from Serbia and lives in Vancouver. I love meeting new people from everywhere. Well he went to lunch and the drill floor calls me. Hey geo we need one of you to come to the toolbox talk so I tell him, “Oh I’m sorry, Alek just left the unit for lunch and we need one person in the unit at all times to monitor”. He tells me to page him. I don’t even no how to use the ships intercom, because I normally use the radio that responds to the drill floor. The most I say is copy that, or please repeat. Anyways, I dial the paging number and say my page, “Alek please call the mudlogging unit, at 4028, Alek please call mudlogging unit 4028”. I take a breath then hear my announcement It sounds good I didn’t mess it up. Then I hear the page go off again of whistling, hooting and hollering. These guys did that right after I spoke. It was so embarrassing.

I go to dinner tonight and this guy sits next to me, he says, “Hi I’m Roger”. I smile and respond, “Hi I’m Hillary”. He looks at me and says, “ohhhhhhh you are the VOICE”.

Anyways, that was my day.

Also on a side note,
Dear Scottish men,
I can’ tell if you are about to punch each other out, break out in to laughter or what. YOU guys are always yelling at each other. I also can’t understand a damn word you are saying and it doesn’t help that you all talk at the same time.
Your Dallas Doll (what one of the Scottish guys calls me)

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