Monday, September 9, 2013

Training in the North Atlantic

I arrived in St. Johns, Newfoundland last week. I absolutely love it here. I have never met a nicer group of people. They are called “Newfies”. The men are complete gentleman and are good looking Irish guys! Its really easy getting used to being called Lovey and My Darling all day :). The women are so nice and friendly. You can’t meet a stranger here. I feel like I fit in the culture really well. The North Atlantic Ocean is breathtaking. The cliffs along the shore with waves crashing against them are breathtaking. The trees are greener, the sky is bluer. This Island off of Canada has such charm.

On my last ship I learned so much from the marine department. I miss hanging out with the guys out there. Most of my blogs have been about learning all about ships! Right now I am at the Marine Institute in Newfoundland. It is a college for mariners. So everything I was taught on the Titanium Explorer I am using now in my practical hands on training. I have 13 days of training out here and am being certified to meet Canadian cold water offshore survival  standards. I have learned to put out all types of fires, I have learned to escape a fire with compressed air to breath and a gas mask on, in the dark where I have to feel for my exit. I have learned to davit launch lifeboats and rafts. I basically have learned and physically practiced everything that could aid in survival from top to bottom, inside and out.

Yesterday we did our capsized underwater helicopter evacuation . I have done this in Houston to be certified in the gulf but here it was way more intense. We wore a huge flight suit and boots so it was harder to escape but I got it done. My nervousness has changed to confidence and adrenaline rush during this training. We did it over and over and over. They train you well here, the guys who teach the class are all mariners and ex military. They have the best leadership personalities and push you and make you confident in your abilities. There was a crash here a couple years ago and everyone but one person died. One girl got out but didn’t make it to the surface in time so they decided to put compressed air cartridges in the flight suit. We practiced over and over getting oxygen underwater. I was always scared to go scuba diving and now I know I can go after today.

Today was sea day! We used all of our survival training out in the ocean. Its like the final exam. We had to launch lifeboats, life rafts and do everything in real ocean conditions. We jumped off of the vessel into the cold Atlantic ocean. We had to climb this rope net along side the huge boat. We even had to float around out there in the freezing water waiting to get rescued! At first I was nervous about getting bit by a shark but the guys and instructors are so great and told me that they will let the shark get them before it gets me! One thing is for sure chivalry is NOT DEAD in Newfoundland!

I really wish I could have gone to school here. Don’t get me wrong I love SMU and learned so much, but this marine institute feels like home. Its all Newfoundland Navy guys teaching everything. These past five days I have learned so much and built up so much confidence. I really am glad I went through this course!
Pictures coming soon :)
Miss everyone!


  1. Hillary I had no idea you have been going through such extensive training! Im so proud of all that you have accomplished! This sounds like something that would scare the Bejeezus out of me and you are so brave! Im very impressed with all of this! So glad you have met all these wonderful people and had this amazing experience Also very proud that you passed all of your criteria and made it through this rigorous training! love and miss you Mom

  2. Hillary,

    Wow! I am so proud of you and so happy for you. You have an amazing career and are taking a big bite right out of the middle. Way to go!

    Uncle Rick
