Monday, June 17, 2013

28 Days... Starting Now

My time off was great. I got to see my family in Dallas for my moms birthday. I had so much fun hanging out with Kevin and my sisters. I got to see Laurens baby Addison. So sweet. I got to see Brandy and my future God Daughter. I am so proud of mommy to be brandy and I can't wait to spoil Brooklyn Monroe rotten. I went to Chicago to visit my South Side Sista Angie. Had a great time. GO CUBS !!! I also had some great pool and beach days with Rachy :)

I flew to New Orleans yesterday had some great vietnamese food and a dirty martini. It was great. I got to crew change at the same time as some of my friends so it was an awesome last day on land. The start of a very long day.....2:45am Wakeup call FML! A couple hour drive to the heliport. Then I was on the last flight so I was stuck at the heliport all day! I still get anxiety when I am on a helicopter. I guess I am just an airplane girl. I land at the rig around noon and take a shower unpack. I have to be on tour at 6pm so I only get a few hours asleep. Of course during the 4 hours I get the fire alarm goes off. 

So when a fire alarm goes off... you grab your life jacket and go to your assigned station immediately. Its not like a school fire drill.... since your on an oil rig and the alarm is going off it can be pretty scary. I went to sleep in my new pajamas that are silk pink and white stripes. I am on the top bunk all comfy. Then, BEEEEP BEEEEP BEEEEEP BEEEEEP. I jump up and literally slip off the top bunk those PJs are slippery! Then fall down on the ground because I didn't estimate the height of the top bunk. I grab my life jacket and then I realize I don't want everyone to see my pink silky PJs. So then I have to decide what to do? Be the first to the lifeboat in pink PJs or change so I don't look absolutely ridiculous..... all I needed was a teddy bear to make the outfit more dramatic lol. 
I choose not to change and head to muster station.

Luckily as I'm leaving my room they announce to disregard the alarm. PHEW. I try to get at least another hour of sleep. 

I come to the unit. I brought goodies for everyone. Its amazing how something as small as sour patch kids can brighten someones day. Mike my data engineer is so nice. He brought Starbucks Blonde roast coffee and made me a pot and said here let me make you some coffee so your transition will be easier. Blonde Roast is described as soft and mellow, like my new blonde hair :P. 

Its nice seeing people... I am def. a people person and its like a little community out here! 

This hitch I am back in SPONGE MODE. I need to learn more!!!! I am going to complete all of my jobs task sheets (these task sheets display competency of my specific job). I also want to learn some more cool stuff in the marine dept. <3 those guys! #TeamMarine! Lots of interesting blogs to come this hitch! So stay tuned :) 



  1. Hill, I have those exact same pajamas! I have slipped off the bed too! Lol

  2. Don't you love these pajamas!
