Saturday, August 30, 2014

I am in AFRICA!!!!!

 Lately my head has been spinning with life decisions. I decided to stay with Schlumberger and work internationally. So last week I got an email and it said can you come to Equatorial Guinea in Africa. Before I could even think about it, I said yes. Next thing you know I have a doctors appointment that day to get vaccinated for Yellow Fever and some other diseases. I had to take two online courses on Ebola and Malaria. The next day I spent packing and mentally preparing for Africa. I was nervous at first, mostly because I would be traveling alone overseas to a place that has a dangerous reputation.

Equatorial Guinea is the is a small volcanic island off  the west central coast of Africa.   

My flight from Houston connects in Paris, France to Douala, Cameroon to Molabo, Equatorial Guinea. In Houston we had mechanical issues and I end up getting stuck in Paris. Which is the best place to get stuck in! I spent the day enjoying French culture, wine and the beautiful city. I had wine and a chocolat croissant under the sparkling Eiffel Tower! The next morning I get to the airport and start my travels to Africa. When I arrive in Africa the airport is a little scary. They are moving fast yelling at you for your vaccination records and taking everyone's temperature. They are taking temperatures because the ebola outbreak, and quarantining those who are sick.  You are then fingerprinted and photo is taken before they will let you in the country. It almost felt as if you were getting booked into prison. When I got my bags and exited the airport all I see is a huge beautiful mountain and the color green everywhere. It is so big and beautiful here. The trees are just bigger and the sky is just so blue. I get into my Schlumberger car and my manager meets me at the airport. I have a nice dinner and the hotel is beautiful. There is a huge party going on and everyone is just dancing drinking and having a blast.  The next morning I sleep in get up and go to the beautiful pool. The pool has the nicest bar and lots of tropical birds flying around. You can see the mountain in the background and it was so much fun. I am looking forward to spending some time in E.G. I really want to check out the endangered monkeys and sea turtles. I want to also get some sand from the black sand beaches.

E.G. is home to so many endangered species of monkeys.

Sea Turtles on the black sand beaches

I am going offshore as a data engineer for the first time. I wake up early and head to the airport/heliport. I am actually headed to the Titanium Explorer. The rig I worked on when I was brand new. So its going to be cool to see some of the people that I made friends with almost two years ago. The ship looks different. I see some familiar faces. Its like deja vu and little weird at first. Like how in the hell did I end up back on this rig. The job is hard and stressful at times but I am still on a high of being in Africa and spending the day in Paris that I can't complain. This morning  I received a call from one of the guys on the rig. "Whales!! Starboard Side!!" I have never jumped up so quickly! There was a pod of whales. Little ones too. Seeing humpback whales in real life is pretty spectacular. I love stuff like this! I love being able to see so much of the world. I don't think I could ever stop traveling.
I am so happy to get my first African stamp on my passport and it will definitely not be the last. 

When I started this blog I named the address, well I have now worked in the North Atlantic, Canada and The Gulf of Guinea in Africa. I definitely wasn't thinking ahead when I chose the name.

Love and Miss you all!