Thursday, May 2, 2013

Its been a while... time to UPDATE

My time off was great! My grandparents came to visit and took me and my sister to the Astros game. Yu Darvish almost pitched a perfect game it was AWESOME! Minute Maid park was great. It was so good seeing my grammy and papa! 

Then I got to spend the night camping with my sister and friends in Galveston. It was a BLAST. I had a lesson in celestial navigation via my new iphone 5. It was AWESOME. I used the compass to check that I was looking at the correct stars! I love camping.... when the weather is nice and for short periods of time lol. 

Then I had a wonderful vaca with my family. Great cooking from my mom and fun fishing with my dad! The beach house was awesome! We caught lots of red fish and a HUGE bull red that I tagged! Some sheep heads also!  And I had a lot of fun catching this stingray! 

Kelsey and I went to Reggae Fest in Galveston it was a lot of fun. 

I went to New Orleans before coming back offshore. It was such a great time! I went on a carriage ride through the city it was so amazing. The perfect city to take a carriage ride through the french quarter. I had lunch  (amazing muffalatas and pellegrino) on the Mississippi river and watched the ships go by. I spent the day appreciating a beautiful city. It was PERFECT. Then I learned how to play CRAPS at the casino!!! I was LOVING it! I want to go back to the casino ASAP!!!!!! Ahh it was just soooooooo perfect. Then, Angie came in town we had a great girls time. Lots of live music, food and lots of fun! 

Beniegts at Cafe Du Monde' 

I got back to the rig April 22nd. 

So far it has been good, its nice to see and talk to my rig friends :) I have been busy working and learning. I got to go the rig floor and watch up close tripping (pulling pipe in and out of the hole) drilling, and was even up there for the BOP (blow out preventer) tests :/ kinda scary. The days have gone by pretty fast, I have been out here for 11 so far. Not to bad, 3 more weeks to go! :/ I am gonna try to do my job, learn as much as I can, and work out!!!! Bikini season is right around the corner  !!! 

This Hitch I decided to bring stuff for me to have 1 night a week where I pamper myself! But I was thinking what if while I have a face mask, robe on while I am painting my toes the alarm goes off. THAT WOULD NOT BE GOOD!


So today I got to take a real flashing light test for MORSE CODE, like with the ship mates that were taking it. Some of the guys had to use the book to look up letters and numbers. I did it without any book reference! Its so cool that I know it. I practice the alphabet before I go to sleep frontwards and backwards..... its become my way of counting sheep I guess.I need to practice my numbers. I know them but I have to think about it vs. second nature. Well anyways I did really good and the chief mate who taught me was proud that I did really good! A+ for me :). This blog is mostly catch up with some fun stuff also. I will think of some really cool stuff to write about b/c I have been slacking I guess I need to get on the guys and tell them to teach me some more!!!!
I get a high off of learning new things, everything out here is so interesting  ESP in the marine dept. <3 those guys, they are all so smart in an east coast academy way and I love learning from them!!! 

This was what we wrote our answers down on, while the instructor used a flashlight to signal code. 

I gotta go.... my neck hurts..... (b/c my brain is so big ....)